The Customers API allows you create and manage customers on your integration.
Create Customer
Create a customer on your integration
Customer Validation
The first_name
, last_name
and phone
are optional parameters. However, when creating a customer that would be assigned a Dedicated Virtual Account and your business catgeory falls under Betting, Financial services, and General Service, then these parameters become compulsory.
authorization String | Set value to Bearer SECRET_KEY |
content-type String | Set value to application/json |
email String | Customer's email address | |
first_name String | Customer's first name | |
last_name String | Customer's last name | |
phone String | Customer's phone number | |
metadata Object | A set of key/value pairs that you can attach to the customer. It can be used to store additional information in a structured format. | |
Show optional parameters |
1#!/bin/sh2url=""3authorization="Authorization: Bearer YOUR_SECRET_KEY"4content_type="Content-Type: application/json"5data='{6 "email": "",7 "first_name": "Zero",8 "last_name": "Sum",9 "phone": "+2348123456789"10}'1112curl "$url" -H "$authorization" -H "$content_type" -d "$data" -X POST
1{2 "status": true,3 "message": "Customer created",4 "data": {5 "email": "",6 "integration": 100032,7 "domain": "test",8 "customer_code": "CUS_xnxdt6s1zg1f4nx",9 "id": 1173,10 "identified": false,11 "identifications": null,12 "createdAt": "2016-03-29T20:03:09.584Z",13 "updatedAt": "2016-03-29T20:03:09.584Z"14 }15}
List Customer
List customers available on your integration.
authorization String | Set value to Bearer SECRET_KEY |
perPage Integer | Specify how many records you want to retrieve per page. If not specify we use a default value of 50. | |
page Integer | Specify exactly what page you want to retrieve. If not specify we use a default value of 1. | |
from Datetime | A timestamp from which to start listing customers e.g. 2016-09-24T00:00:05.000Z , 2016-09-21 | |
to Datetime | A timestamp at which to stop listing customers e.g. 2016-09-24T00:00:05.000Z , 2016-09-21 | |
Show optional parameters |
1#!/bin/sh2url=""3authorization="Authorization: Bearer YOUR_SECRET_KEY"45curl "$url" -H "$authorization" -X GET
1{2 "status": true,3 "message": "Customers retrieved",4 "data": [5 {6 "integration": 463433,7 "first_name": null,8 "last_name": null,9 "email": "",10 "phone": null,11 "metadata": null,12 "domain": "test",13 "customer_code": "CUS_c6wqvwmvwopw4ms",14 "risk_action": "default",15 "id": 90758908,16 "createdAt": "2022-08-15T13:46:39.000Z",17 "updatedAt": "2022-08-15T13:46:39.000Z"18 },19 {20 "integration": 463433,21 "first_name": "Okiki",22 "last_name": "Sample",23 "email": "",24 "phone": "09048829123",25 "metadata": {},26 "domain": "test",27 "customer_code": "CUS_rki2ccocw7g8lsj",28 "risk_action": "default",29 "id": 90758301,30 "createdAt": "2022-08-15T13:42:52.000Z",31 "updatedAt": "2022-08-15T13:42:52.000Z"32 },33 {34 "integration": 463433,35 "first_name": "lukman",36 "last_name": "calle",37 "email": "",38 "phone": "08922383034",39 "metadata": {},40 "domain": "test",41 "customer_code": "CUS_hpxsz8c1if90quo",42 "risk_action": "default",43 "id": 90747194,44 "createdAt": "2022-08-15T12:31:13.000Z",45 "updatedAt": "2022-08-15T12:31:13.000Z"46 }47 ],48 "meta": {49 "next": "Y3VzdG9tZXI6OTAyMjU4MDk=",50 "previous": null,51 "perPage": 352 }53}
Fetch Customer
Get details of a customer on your integration.
authorization String | Set value to Bearer SECRET_KEY |
email_or_code String | An email or customer code for the customer you want to fetch |
1#!/bin/sh2url="{email_or_code}"3authorization="Authorization: Bearer YOUR_SECRET_KEY"45curl "$url" -H "$authorization" -X GET
1{2 "status": true,3 "message": "Customer retrieved",4 "data": {5 "transactions": [],6 "subscriptions": [],7 "authorizations": [8 {9 "authorization_code": "AUTH_ekk8t49ogj",10 "bin": "408408",11 "last4": "4081",12 "exp_month": "12",13 "exp_year": "2030",14 "channel": "card",15 "card_type": "visa ",16 "bank": "TEST BANK",17 "country_code": "NG",18 "brand": "visa",19 "reusable": true,20 "signature": "SIG_yEXu7dLBeqG0kU7g95Ke",21 "account_name": null22 }23 ],24 "first_name": null,25 "last_name": null,26 "email": "",27 "phone": null,28 "metadata": null,29 "domain": "test",30 "customer_code": "CUS_c6wqvwmvwopw4ms",31 "risk_action": "default",32 "id": 90758908,33 "integration": 463433,34 "createdAt": "2022-08-15T13:46:39.000Z",35 "updatedAt": "2022-08-15T13:46:39.000Z",36 "created_at": "2022-08-15T13:46:39.000Z",37 "updated_at": "2022-08-15T13:46:39.000Z",38 "total_transactions": 0,39 "total_transaction_value": [],40 "dedicated_account": null,41 "identified": false,42 "identifications": null43 }44}
Update Customer
Update a customer's details on your integration
authorization String | Set value to Bearer SECRET_KEY |
content-type String | Set value to application/json |
code String | Customer's code |
first_name String | Customer's first name | |
last_name String | Customer's last name | |
phone String | Customer's phone number | |
metadata Object | A set of key/value pairs that you can attach to the customer. It can be used to store additional information in a structured format. | |
Show optional parameters |
1#!/bin/sh2url="{code}"3authorization="Authorization: Bearer YOUR_SECRET_KEY"4content_type="Content-Type: application/json"5data='{6 "first_name": "BoJack"7}'89curl "$url" -H "$authorization" -H "$content_type" -d "$data" -X PUT
1{2 "status": true,3 "message": "Customer updated",4 "data": {5 "integration": 100032,6 "first_name": "BoJack",7 "last_name": "Horseman",8 "email": "",9 "phone": null,10 "metadata": {11 "photos": [12 {13 "type": "twitter",14 "typeId": "twitter",15 "typeName": "Twitter",16 "url": "",17 "isPrimary": true18 }19 ]20 },21 "identified": false,22 "identifications": null,23 "domain": "test",24 "customer_code": "CUS_xnxdt6s1zg1f4nx",25 "id": 1173,26 "transactions": [],27 "subscriptions": [],28 "authorizations": [],29 "createdAt": "2016-03-29T20:03:09.000Z",30 "updatedAt": "2016-03-29T20:03:10.000Z"31 }32}
Validate Customer
Validate a customer's identity
authorization String | Set value to Bearer SECRET_KEY |
content-type String | Set value to application/json |
code String | Email, or customer code of customer to be identified |
first_name String | Customer's first name | |
last_name String | Customer's last name | |
type String | Predefined types of identification. Only bank_account is supported at the moment | |
value String | Customer's identification number | |
country String | 2 letter country code of identification issuer | |
bvn String | Customer's Bank Verification Number | |
bank_code String | You can get the list of Bank Codes by calling the List Banks endpoint. (required if type is bank_account ) | |
account_number String | Customer's bank account number. (required if type is bank_account ) | |
middle_name String | Customer's middle name | |
Show optional parameters |
1#!/bin/sh2url="{customer_code}/identification"3authorization="Authorization: Bearer YOUR_SECRET_KEY"4content_type="Content-Type: application/json"5data='{6 "country": "NG",7 "type": "bank_account",8 "account_number": "0123456789",9 "bvn": "20012345677",10 "bank_code": "007",11 "first_name": "Asta",12 "last_name": "Lavista"13}'1415curl "$url" -H "$authorization" -H "$content_type" -d "$data" -X POST
1{2 "status": true,3 "message": "Customer Identification in progress"4}
Whitelist/Blacklist Customer
Whitelist or blacklist a customer on your integration
authorization String | Set value to Bearer SECRET_KEY |
content-type String | Set value to application/json |
customer String | Customer's code, or email address | |
risk_action String | One of the possible risk actions [ default , allow , deny ]. allow to whitelist. deny to blacklist. Customers start with a default risk action. | |
Show optional parameters |
1#!/bin/sh2url=""3authorization="Authorization: Bearer YOUR_SECRET_KEY"4content_type="Content-Type: application/json"5data='{6 "customer": "CUS_xr58yrr2ujlft9k",7 "risk_action": "allow"8}'910curl "$url" -H "$authorization" -H "$content_type" -d "$data" -X POST
1{2 "status": true,3 "message": "Customer updated",4 "data": {5 "first_name": "Peter",6 "last_name": "Griffin",7 "email": "",8 "phone": null,9 "metadata": {},10 "domain": "test",11 "identified": false,12 "identifications": null,13 "customer_code": "CUS_xr58yrr2ujlft9k",14 "risk_action": "allow",15 "id": 2109,16 "integration": 100032,17 "createdAt": "2016-01-26T13:43:38.000Z",18 "updatedAt": "2016-08-23T03:56:43.000Z"19 }20}
Initialize Authorization
Initiate a request to create a reusable authorization code for recurring transactions.
authorization String | Set value to Bearer SECRET_KEY |
content-type String | Set value to application/json |
email string | Customer's email address | |
channel string | direct-debit is the only supported option for now | |
callback_url string | Fully qualified url (e.g. to redirect your customer to. | |
account object | Holds the customer's account details. It takes the number param with the customer's account number as the value and the bank_code , a code representing the customer's bank. | |
address object | Represents the customer's address. Its params are street , city , and state . All params are compulsory. | |
Show optional parameters |
1#!/bin/sh2url=""3authorization="Authorization: Bearer YOUR_SECRET_KEY"4content_type="Content-Type: application/json"5data='{6 "email": "",7 "channel": "direct_debit",8 "callback_url": ""9}'1011curl "$url" -H "$authorization" -H "$content_type" -d "$data" -X POST
1{2 "status": true,3 "message": "Authorization initialized",4 "data": {5 "redirect_url": "",6 "access_code": "82t4mp5b5mfn51h",7 "reference": "dfbzfotsrbv4n5s82t4mp5b5mfn51h"8 }9}
Verify Authorization
Check the status of an authorization request.
authorization String | Set value to Bearer SECRET_KEY |
reference String | The reference returned in the initialization response |
1#!/bin/sh2url="{reference}"3authorization="Authorization: Bearer YOUR_SECRET_KEY"45curl "$url" -H "$authorization" -X GET
1{2 "status": true,3 "message": "Authorization retrieved successfully",4 "data": {5 "authorization_code": "AUTH_JV4T9Wawdj",6 "channel": "direct_debit",7 "bank": "Guaranty Trust Bank",8 "active": true,9 "customer": {10 "code": "CUS_24lze1c8i2zl76y",11 "email": ""12 }13 }14}
Deactivate Authorization
Deactivate an authorization for any payment channel.
authorization String | Set value to Bearer SECRET_KEY |
content-type String | Set value to application/json |
authorization_code String | Authorization code to be deactivated |
1#!/bin/sh2url=""3authorization="Authorization: Bearer YOUR_SECRET_KEY"4content_type="Content-Type: application/json"5data='{6 "authorization_code": "AUTH_xxxIjkZVj5"7}'89curl "$url" -H "$authorization" -H "$content_type" -d "$data" -X POST
1{2 "status": true,3 "message": "Authorization has been deactivated"4}