The Subaccounts API allows you create and manage subaccounts on your integration. Subaccounts can be used to split payment between two accounts (your main account and a sub account).
Create Subaccount
Create a subacount on your integration
authorization String | Set value to Bearer SECRET_KEY |
content-type String | Set value to application/json |
business_name String | Name of business for subaccount | |
settlement_bank String | Bank Code for the bank. You can get the list of Bank Codes by calling the List Banks endpoint. | |
account_number String | Bank Account Number | |
percentage_charge Float | The percentage the main account receives from each payment made to the subaccount | |
description String | A description for this subaccount | |
primary_contact_email String | A contact email for the subaccount | |
primary_contact_name String | A name for the contact person for this subaccount | |
primary_contact_phone String | A phone number to call for this subaccount | |
metadata String | Stringified JSON object. Add a custom_fields attribute which has an array of objects if you would like the fields to be added to your transaction when displayed on the dashboard. Sample: {"custom_fields":[{"display_name":"Cart ID","variable_name": "cart_id","value": "8393"}]} | |
Show optional parameters |
1#!/bin/sh2url=""3authorization="Authorization: Bearer YOUR_SECRET_KEY"4content_type="Content-Type: application/json"5data='{6 "business_name": "Oasis",7 "settlement_bank": "058",8 "account_number": "0123456047",9 "percentage_charge": 3010}'1112curl "$url" -H "$authorization" -H "$content_type" -d "$data" -X POST
Sample Response
201 Created
1{2 "status": true,3 "message": "Subaccount created",4 "data": {5 "business_name": "Oasis",6 "account_number": "0123456047",7 "percentage_charge": 30,8 "settlement_bank": "Guaranty Trust Bank",9 "currency": "NGN",10 "bank": 9,11 "integration": 463433,12 "domain": "test",13 "account_name": "LARRY JAMES O",14 "product": "collection",15 "managed_by_integration": 463433,16 "subaccount_code": "ACCT_6uujpqtzmnufzkw",17 "is_verified": false,18 "settlement_schedule": "AUTO",19 "active": true,20 "migrate": false,21 "id": 1151727,22 "createdAt": "2024-08-26T09:24:28.723Z",23 "updatedAt": "2024-08-26T09:24:28.723Z"24 }25}
List Subaccounts
List subaccounts available on your integration
authorization String | Set value to Bearer SECRET_KEY |
perPage Integer | Specify how many records you want to retrieve per page. If not specify we use a default value of 50. | |
page Integer | Specify exactly what page you want to retrieve. If not specify we use a default value of 1. | |
from Datetime | A timestamp from which to start listing subaccounts e.g. 2016-09-24T00:00:05.000Z , 2016-09-21 | |
to Datetime | A timestamp at which to stop listing subaccounts e.g. 2016-09-24T00:00:05.000Z , 2016-09-21 | |
Show optional parameters |
1#!/bin/sh2url=""3authorization="Authorization: Bearer YOUR_SECRET_KEY"45curl "$url" -H "$authorization" -X GET
Sample Response
200 Ok
1{2 "status": true,3 "message": "Subaccounts retrieved",4 "data": [5 {6 "id": 1151727,7 "subaccount_code": "ACCT_6uujpqtzmnufzkw",8 "business_name": "Oasis",9 "description": "Oasis",10 "primary_contact_name": null,11 "primary_contact_email": null,12 "primary_contact_phone": null,13 "metadata": null,14 "percentage_charge": 30,15 "settlement_bank": "Guaranty Trust Bank",16 "bank_id": 9,17 "account_number": "0123456047",18 "currency": "NGN",19 "active": 120 }21 ],22 "meta": {23 "total": 27,24 "skipped": 0,25 "perPage": 50,26 "page": 1,27 "pageCount": 128 }29}
Fetch Subaccount
Get details of a subaccount on your integration
authorization String | Set value to Bearer SECRET_KEY |
id_or_code String | The subaccount ID or code you want to fetch |
1#!/bin/sh2url=""3authorization="Authorization: Bearer YOUR_SECRET_KEY"45curl "$url" -H "$authorization" -X GET
Sample Response
200 Ok
1{2 "status": true,3 "message": "Subaccount retrieved",4 "data": {5 "integration": 463433,6 "bank": 9,7 "managed_by_integration": 463433,8 "domain": "test",9 "subaccount_code": "ACCT_6uujpqtzmnufzkw",10 "business_name": "Oasis",11 "description": null,12 "primary_contact_name": null,13 "primary_contact_email": null,14 "primary_contact_phone": null,15 "metadata": null,16 "percentage_charge": 30,17 "is_verified": false,18 "settlement_bank": "Guaranty Trust Bank",19 "account_number": "0123456047",20 "settlement_schedule": "AUTO",21 "active": true,22 "migrate": false,23 "currency": "NGN",24 "account_name": "LARRY JAMES O",25 "product": "collection",26 "id": 1151727,27 "createdAt": "2024-08-26T09:24:28.000Z",28 "updatedAt": "2024-08-26T09:24:28.000Z"29 }30}
Update Subaccount
Update a subaccount details on your integration
authorization String | Set value to Bearer SECRET_KEY |
content-type String | Set value to application/json |
id_or_code String | Subaccount's ID or code |
business_name String | Name of business for subaccount | |
settlement_bank String | Bank Code for the bank. You can get the list of Bank Codes by calling the List Banks endpoint. | |
account_number String | Bank Account Number | |
active Boolean | Activate or deactivate a subaccount. Set value to true to activate subaccount or false to deactivate the subaccount. | |
percentage_charge Float | The default percentage charged when receiving on behalf of this subaccount | |
description String | A description for this subaccount | |
primary_contact_email String | A contact email for the subaccount | |
primary_contact_name String | A name for the contact person for this subaccount | |
primary_contact_phone String | A phone number to call for this subaccount | |
settlement_schedule String | Any of auto , weekly , `monthly`, `manual`. Auto means payout is T+1 and manual means payout to the subaccount should only be made when requested. Defaults to auto | |
metadata String | Stringified JSON object. Add a custom_fields attribute which has an array of objects if you would like the fields to be added to your transaction when displayed on the dashboard. Sample: {"custom_fields":[{"display_name":"Cart ID","variable_name": "cart_id","value": "8393"}]} | |
Show optional parameters |
1#!/bin/sh2url=""3authorization="Authorization: Bearer YOUR_SECRET_KEY"4content_type="Content-Type: application/json"5data='{6 "business_name": "Oasis Global",7 "description": "Provide IT services"8}'910curl "$url" -H "$authorization" -H "$content_type" -d "$data" -X PUT
Sample Response
200 Ok
1{2 "status": true,3 "message": "Subaccount updated",4 "data": {5 "domain": "test",6 "subaccount_code": "ACCT_6uujpqtzmnufzkw",7 "business_name": "Oasis Global",8 "description": "Provide IT services",9 "primary_contact_name": null,10 "primary_contact_email": null,11 "primary_contact_phone": null,12 "metadata": null,13 "percentage_charge": 30,14 "is_verified": false,15 "settlement_bank": "Guaranty Trust Bank",16 "account_number": "0123456047",17 "settlement_schedule": "AUTO",18 "active": true,19 "migrate": false,20 "currency": "NGN",21 "account_name": "LARRY JAMES O",22 "product": "collection",23 "id": 1151727,24 "integration": 463433,25 "bank": 9,26 "managed_by_integration": 463433,27 "createdAt": "2024-08-26T09:24:28.000Z",28 "updatedAt": "2024-08-26T09:34:18.000Z"29 }30}