The Subscriptions API allows you create and manage recurring payment on your integration.
Create Subscription
Create a subscription on your integration
authorization String | Set value to Bearer SECRET_KEY |
content-type String | Set value to application/json |
customer String | Customer's email address or customer code | |
plan String | Plan code | |
authorization String | If customer has multiple authorizations, you can set the desired authorization you wish to use for this subscription here. If this is not supplied, the customer's most recent authorization would be used | |
start_date String | Set the date for the first debit. (ISO 8601 format) e.g. 2017-05-16T00:30:13+01:00 | |
Show optional parameters |
1#!/bin/sh2url=""3authorization="Authorization: Bearer YOUR_SECRET_KEY"4content_type="Content-Type: application/json"5data='{6 "customer": "CUS_xnxdt6s1zg1f4nx",7 "plan": "PLN_gx2wn530m0i3w3m"8}'910curl "$url" -H "$authorization" -H "$content_type" -d "$data" -X POST
Sample Response
200 Ok
1{2 "status": true,3 "message": "Subscription successfully created",4 "data": {5 "customer": 1173,6 "plan": 28,7 "integration": 100032,8 "domain": "test",9 "start": 1459296064,10 "status": "active",11 "quantity": 1,12 "amount": 50000,13 "authorization": {14 "authorization_code": "AUTH_6tmt288t0o",15 "bin": "408408",16 "last4": "4081",17 "exp_month": "12",18 "exp_year": "2020",19 "channel": "card",20 "card_type": "visa visa",21 "bank": "TEST BANK",22 "country_code": "NG",23 "brand": "visa",24 "reusable": true,25 "signature": "SIG_uSYN4fv1adlAuoij8QXh",26 "account_name": "BoJack Horseman"27 },28 "subscription_code": "SUB_vsyqdmlzble3uii",29 "email_token": "d7gofp6yppn3qz7",30 "id": 9,31 "createdAt": "2016-03-30T00:01:04.687Z",32 "updatedAt": "2016-03-30T00:01:04.687Z"33 }34}
List Subscriptions
List subscriptions available on your integration
authorization String | Set value to Bearer SECRET_KEY |
perPage Integer | Specify how many records you want to retrieve per page. If not specify we use a default value of 50. | |
page Integer | Specify exactly what page you want to retrieve. If not specify we use a default value of 1. | |
customer Integer | Filter by Customer ID | |
plan Integer | Filter by Plan ID | |
Show optional parameters |
1#!/bin/sh2url=""3authorization="Authorization: Bearer YOUR_SECRET_KEY"45curl "$url" -H "$authorization" -X GET
Sample Response
200 Ok
1{2 "status": true,3 "message": "Subscriptions retrieved",4 "data": [5 {6 "customer": {7 "first_name": "BoJack",8 "last_name": "Horseman",9 "email": "",10 "phone": "",11 "metadata": null,12 "domain": "test",13 "customer_code": "CUS_hdhye17yj8qd2tx",14 "risk_action": "default",15 "id": 84312,16 "integration": 100073,17 "createdAt": "2016-10-01T10:59:52.000Z",18 "updatedAt": "2016-10-01T10:59:52.000Z"19 },20 "plan": {21 "domain": "test",22 "name": "Weekly small chops",23 "plan_code": "PLN_0as2m9n02cl0kp6",24 "description": "Small chops delivered every week",25 "amount": 27000,26 "interval": "weekly",27 "send_invoices": true,28 "send_sms": true,29 "hosted_page": false,30 "hosted_page_url": null,31 "hosted_page_summary": null,32 "currency": "NGN",33 "migrate": null,34 "id": 1716,35 "integration": 100073,36 "createdAt": "2016-10-01T10:59:11.000Z",37 "updatedAt": "2016-10-01T10:59:11.000Z"38 },39 "integration": 123456,40 "authorization": {41 "authorization_code": "AUTH_6tmt288t0o",42 "bin": "408408",43 "last4": "4081",44 "exp_month": "12",45 "exp_year": "2020",46 "channel": "card",47 "card_type": "visa visa",48 "bank": "TEST BANK",49 "country_code": "NG",50 "brand": "visa",51 "reusable": true,52 "signature": "SIG_uSYN4fv1adlAuoij8QXh",53 "account_name": "BoJack Horseman"54 },55 "domain": "test",56 "start": 1475319599,57 "status": "active",58 "quantity": 1,59 "amount": 27000,60 "subscription_code": "SUB_6phdx225bavuwtb",61 "email_token": "ore84lyuwcv2esu",62 "easy_cron_id": "275226",63 "cron_expression": "0 0 * * 6",64 "next_payment_date": "2016-10-15T00:00:00.000Z",65 "open_invoice": "INV_qc875pkxpxuyodf",66 "id": 4192,67 "createdAt": "2016-10-01T10:59:59.000Z",68 "updatedAt": "2016-10-12T07:45:14.000Z"69 }70 ],71 "meta": {72 "total": 1,73 "skipped": 0,74 "perPage": 50,75 "page": 1,76 "pageCount": 177 }78}
Fetch Subscription
Get details of a subscription on your integration
authorization String | Set value to Bearer SECRET_KEY |
id_or_code String | The subscription ID or code you want to fetch |
1#!/bin/sh2url="{id_or_code}"3authorization="Authorization: Bearer YOUR_SECRET_KEY"45curl "$url" -H "$authorization" -X GET
Sample Response
200 Ok
1{2 "status": true,3 "message": "Subscription retrieved successfully",4 "data": {5 "invoices": [],6 "customer": {7 "first_name": "BoJack",8 "last_name": "Horseman",9 "email": "",10 "phone": null,11 "metadata": {12 "photos": [13 {14 "type": "twitter",15 "typeId": "twitter",16 "typeName": "Twitter",17 "url": "",18 "isPrimary": false19 }20 ]21 },22 "domain": "test",23 "customer_code": "CUS_xnxdt6s1zg1f4nx",24 "id": 1173,25 "integration": 100032,26 "createdAt": "2016-03-29T20:03:09.000Z",27 "updatedAt": "2016-03-29T20:53:05.000Z"28 },29 "plan": {30 "domain": "test",31 "name": "Monthly retainer (renamed)",32 "plan_code": "PLN_gx2wn530m0i3w3m",33 "description": null,34 "amount": 50000,35 "interval": "monthly",36 "send_invoices": true,37 "send_sms": true,38 "hosted_page": false,39 "hosted_page_url": null,40 "hosted_page_summary": null,41 "currency": "NGN",42 "id": 28,43 "integration": 100032,44 "createdAt": "2016-03-29T22:42:50.000Z",45 "updatedAt": "2016-03-29T23:51:41.000Z"46 },47 "integration": 100032,48 "authorization": {49 "authorization_code": "AUTH_6tmt288t0o",50 "bin": "408408",51 "last4": "4081",52 "exp_month": "12",53 "exp_year": "2020",54 "channel": "card",55 "card_type": "visa visa",56 "bank": "TEST BANK",57 "country_code": "NG",58 "brand": "visa",59 "reusable": true,60 "signature": "SIG_uSYN4fv1adlAuoij8QXh",61 "account_name": "BoJack Horseman"62 },63 "domain": "test",64 "start": 1459296064,65 "status": "active",66 "quantity": 1,67 "amount": 50000,68 "subscription_code": "SUB_vsyqdmlzble3uii",69 "email_token": "d7gofp6yppn3qz7",70 "easy_cron_id": null,71 "cron_expression": "0 0 28 * *",72 "next_payment_date": "2016-04-28T07:00:00.000Z",73 "open_invoice": null,74 "id": 9,75 "createdAt": "2016-03-30T00:01:04.000Z",76 "updatedAt": "2016-03-30T00:22:58.000Z"77 }78}
Enable Subscription
Enable a subscription on your integration
authorization String | Set value to Bearer SECRET_KEY |
content-type String | Set value to application/json |
code String | Subscription code |
token String | Email token |
1#!/bin/sh2url=""3authorization="Authorization: Bearer YOUR_SECRET_KEY"4content_type="Content-Type: application/json"5data='{6 "code": "SUB_vsyqdmlzble3uii",7 "token": "d7gofp6yppn3qz7"8}'910curl "$url" -H "$authorization" -H "$content_type" -d "$data" -X POST
Sample Response
200 Ok
1{2 "status": true,3 "message": "Subscription enabled successfully"4}
Disable Subscription
Disable a subscription on your integration
authorization String | Set value to Bearer SECRET_KEY |
content-type String | Set value to application/json |
code String | Subscription code |
token String | Email token |
1#!/bin/sh2url=""3authorization="Authorization: Bearer YOUR_SECRET_KEY"4content_type="Content-Type: application/json"5data='{6 "code": "SUB_vsyqdmlzble3uii",7 "token": "d7gofp6yppn3qz7"8}'910curl "$url" -H "$authorization" -H "$content_type" -d "$data" -X POST
Sample Response
200 Ok
1{2 "status": true,3 "message": "Subscription disabled successfully"4}
Generate Update Subscription Link
Generate a link for updating the card on a subscription
authorization String | Set value to Bearer SECRET_KEY |
code String | Subscription code |
1#!/bin/sh2url="{code}/manage/link"3authorization="Authorization: Bearer YOUR_SECRET_KEY"45curl "$url" -H "$authorization" -X GET
Sample Response
200 Ok
1{2 "status": true,3 "message": "Link generated",4 "data": {5 "link": ""6 }7}
Send Update Subscription Link
Email a customer a link for updating the card on their subscription
authorization String | Set value to Bearer SECRET_KEY |
code String | Subscription code |
1#!/bin/sh2url="{code}/manage/email"3authorization="Authorization: Bearer YOUR_SECRET_KEY"45curl "$url" -H "$authorization" -X POST
Sample Response
200 Ok
1{2 "status": true,3 "message": "Email successfully sent"4}